Monday, August 3, 2009

Two in One

I got finished with my revisions that were due today at 11:12 last night, then had to do two blog posts on other blogs that were to go up just after midnight. Needless to say, my eyes were crossing by the time I finished and I didn't get over here for an update. So, lucky you, today I'm giving you two updates in one. :)

Sunday progress:

Calorie intake: 871.1 (Wow, that was low.)

Exercise: 40 minutes mowing front yard (burned 477.2 calories)

Steps: @8,200

Monday progress:

Calorie intake: Made up for yesterday with 1,569 calories, but I was STARVING after mowing the back yard.

Exercise: 1 hour 10 minutes mowing back yard

Steps: 14,202 (Got in today's 10,000, plus the 2,000 shortfall from yesterday and 2,200 of the 5,000 shortfall from Saturday. So, I need to walk 12,800 tomorrow to be totally caught up. I'm not letting myself off the hook with these steps.)

So, I'm feeling a little alone out here in healthy living land. Let's have a challenge this week. Let's each challenge ourselves to do something healthy this week. Me, I'm going to add 10 sit-ups to my daily routine. What about everyone else?


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