Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Here in the U.S., today is notoriously the biggest eating day of the year. A day of excess. Overeating, over drinking, over doing. How to keep from being an over-doer today? Here are 3 tips to stay on top of Thanksgiving overload...

1) Don't deprive yourself. Denying yourself the once-a-year treat of Aunt Mabel's sweet potato casserole will only create frustration and quite likely lead to a third piece of pie later to make up for it. Instead, give yourself permission to taste just a small amount of all your favorite foods.

2) Eat slowly. Savor each taste and put your fork down between bites. Give yourself plenty of time to enjoy the meal, which took many hours of love and energy to prepare. Eating slowly will let you hear your body's full signal, keeping you from over eating.

3) Get up and move. After dinner, help with the dishes. Get some activity in. Then gather up the kids and relatives and go for an autumn afternoon walk. The exercise will not only help you digest your food, but it'll work off a few of calories so you won't feel guilty when you have a tiny slice of your favorite pie.

But most of all, give yourself this day to focus on all the wonderful things you are thankful for -and take the time to express that gratitude. A hug, a smile, a happy word will feel great, and these blessings will last even longer than that extra helping of pie and whipped cream!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Michelle Butler on November 26, 2009 at 8:12 AM said...

Thanks, Tawny! Enjoy the holiday, everyone!

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