Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Which weight-loss plan? And cash for weight loss?

This is the time of year when lots of people are thinking about their health and eyeballing the gym and/or some sort of weight-loss plan. If you don't skip right over the commercials, you've probably seen an increase in the number of ads for weight-loss plans on TV. The big task for each of us is to find a plan (whether a pay plan or something we devise on our own) that will work best for us as a life change, not a "diet." But if you decide you want to go with one of the popular weight-loss plans, which ones are worth the money? That's the question this article at CBS MoneyWatch asked.

MoneyWatch analyzed several of the top weight-loss programs: Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, eDiets, In the Zone, Bistro M.D., NutriSystem, and Medifast. They give overviews of the plans, what they cost, what the cost per pound is, assessments of if the plans work and if they are worth the money. There's a side-by-side comparison at the end of the article.
Do you think you'd be more likely to lose weight if money were on the line? If you said yes, you may very well be right. According to this interesting article about sites such as HealthyWage.com, "dieters who had a financial incentive to lose weight were nearly five times as likely to meet their goal when compared with dieters who had no potential for a financial reward."

I need to get back to reporting my progress on the days when I post. Today, I kept it down to 1,560 calories, but would like to shave 200-300 calories off that. I did two hours of house work, much of which was shampooing carpet. It's amazing how much you can ache after shampooing carpet. I'm on Day 11 of no Coca-Cola. Yesterday, I craved it like crazy, but I managed to resist. Yay! Score one for willpower. I started a weight chart and stuck it on the front of my refrigerator. I'm weighing every Monday morning before I eat breakfast. I didn't have a good eating or exercise week last week, so I count myself fortunate that I lost .4 pound.

How's everyone else doing?


Karen on January 12, 2010 at 9:26 AM said...

I read about the Mayo Clinic Diet late last year and decided to try it. I started on January 1st. The first two weeks are about changing habits, which is an interesting exercise. I lost 5.5 pounds the first week. I finally realized that the diet part of the program is very much like the old WW selection plan, which I loved when I tried it a dozen or so years ago. I've really changed my eating habits in the past several days. Work days have been easier than weekends because I tend to be a grazer and can't really do that at work. I look forward to the coming days to see if I can continue the program with the same success I've already seen.

Michelle Butler on January 12, 2010 at 10:55 AM said...

Great info, Trish!

Between Weight Watchers and my gym dues, I spend around $1,000 a year trying to lose weight. The cheap part of me hates it, but stuff costs money. I get a lot out of being a WW and gym member.

What I like most about WW is the support and accountability I get by attending meetings. If that's something you are interested in but don't want to or can't afford WW, there are two free to almost free groups out there - overeaters anonymous and TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly). I have friends who have used both and liked them.

Unknown on January 12, 2010 at 2:32 PM said...

I believe that eDiets is definitely the right choice for anyone looking to achieve and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. They are not only cost effective, but also offer superb support including Nutrition and Fitness Expert help.

Trish Milburn on January 13, 2010 at 12:28 AM said...

Karen, congrats on your weight loss.

Congrats to all of you on finding the plans that work for you.

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